
IB Ceremony

On Friday, 27 September 2019, Kandinsky College will celebrate the graduation of their bilingual students 2019 for the International Baccalaureate Certificates English A: language and literature and English B.

From 19:00 to 20:00, IB graduates are expected at the bovenbouwplein for an informal reunion. They will receive their graduation hats before they line up for the graduation procession.

From 19:30 to 20:00, IB parents are welcome to join the students at the bovenbouwplein. From there they will be guided to their seats in order to witness the graduation procession.

Since the TTO junior ceremony starts at 19:00, we kindly ask you to enter the school building via the side door at the right hand side (across from the gym) and to use the staircase there. Then follow the signs to the bovenbouwplein (near the 60s classrooms).

Shortly before 20:00, important instructions will be given to IB students and parents to ensure a smooth transition from TTO junior to IB graduation ceremony. Please also keep an eye on the information displayed on the monitors.

After the official part of the evening, there will be a short reception until 22:00.

We look forward to having you back at Kandinsky!