Welcome to Kandinsky College
Kandinsky College exemplifies a modern, first rate education in a healthy and safe learning environment. We offer bilingual and Dutch language education at the mavo, havo and vwo level. We pay special attention to internationalisation and Life Science. At Kandinsky College you will learn how to push your own boundaries.
Typical Kandinsky:
- A choice between bilingual and Dutch language education
- Internationalisation
- Kandinsky Life Science
- Kandinsky Xplore & Masterclasses
1A choice between bilingual and Dutch language education
At Kandinsky College we provide bilingual education at all levels. If you sign up for bilingual education, many of the subjects you have will be taught in English. Those who opt for bilingual education not only attain a high level of English, but are also able to reach far beyond the boundaries of their own country. It is of course, also possible to partake in ordinary Dutch language education.
At Kandinsky College we train you to become a young, committed global citizen. By this we mean that you will gain a solid grounding in language and understanding of the international world around you. We organise trips, activities and excursions in order for you to not only acquire knowledge of other cultures, but also experience them for yourself. This applies to all of our students, even those who do not choose bilingual education!
3Kandinsky Xplore & Masterclasses
At Kandinsky College, learning is an adventure. We therefore not only focus on the acquisition of knowledge, but also on developing your character, creative skills and social development. We offer extracurricular subjects and activities during the Xplore-hours for the junior secondary and masterclasses for the senior secondary. During these classes we help you to discover who you are, what you are good at and what you want to be.
For more information regarding joining / transferring school years at Kandinsky College please contact the following heads of department:
year 1 and 2 t-mavo, t-havo en t-vwo en 3 t-vwo | Nouschka Ansems a.i. |
year 1 and 2 mavo, havo, vwo en 3 vwo | Annalein Henselmans |
year 3 en 4 mavo | Maria Urselmann |
year 3 to 5 havo | Jeannine Boset |
year 4 to 6 vwo | Klaas Huijsman |
For year 1, we take on pupils with a vmbo-t, havo or vwo recommendation (or a combination of these). Or with prior experience of education abroad - intake level is determined after a consultation.
For all years, pupils who have at least language level A2, according to the European Reference Framework (Common European Framework of Reference), are eligible for placement. A command of the Dutch language is also required, to be able to keep up with our education. This is also applicable when registering for bilingual stream.
Practical matters
Reporting as ill
In case of illness one of your parents is required to inform school before 8:30 a.m. either by telephone on 024-359 44 22, by email to verzuim@kandinskycollege.nl or via the school's app. This has to be done each day that you are ill.
Leave of absence
Only in special cases you are allowed to be absent from lessons. Your parents are required to fill in and submit a leave of absence form to the department manager in advance. You can find the form here.
Contact details
Kandinsky College is open on work days from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and reachable by phone from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The address is:
Malderburchtstraat 11
6535 ND Nijmegen
Telephone 024 - 359 44 22